External Lighting
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Soffitt lighting is a particularly spectacular way of showing off the exterior of your property.
Downlights inserted in the soffitts around your home can really make you house stand out from the
rest as well as giving it some extra security. This type of lighting can be controlled in a variety of
ways using manual on /off switching, photocell control or motion sensor activation.
There are many different types and styles of coach and lantern lights which are particularly good at
illuminating doorways and steps leading up to front and back doors. These lights work particularly
well with motion sensors which will activate the light when you approach it and illuminate the steps
and door locks which can be handy on dark winter nights when visibility is poor.
Ground lights (or spike lights) are another method of lighting up the outside of your home especially
if you do not have the option of installing soffitt lighting. This type of light can be used very
effectively to illuminate trees, plants, shrubs and water features as well as lighting up garden paths
and driveways. Choosing the right outside lighting solution for your home may seem a daunting
prospect but a visit from us would be a good starting point to discuss options.